A 42 y male with hypertension since 1 year which was incidentally detected during hospital visit due to fever post covid vaccination

This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan.

A 42 year male daily wage labourer by occupation came to opd for regular dialysis.

History of presenting illness:

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1.5yr back 

Then after taking covid vaccination he developed fever which was present through out the day 

Not associated with vomitings,nausea,burning micturition

Generalised weakness was present which didn't got relived on taking medications

So he visited our hospital.

Then he was diagnosed with hypertension and renal cyst. For which he was given medication.

 After 6 months he developed shortness of breath and pedal edema upto ankle for a week. Then they visited Gandhi hospital 

Where dialysis was done for him and was admitted in hospital for nearly 20 days 

And then medications were given.

2 months back he developed shortness of breath and generalised weakness again 

Now he visited our hospital. His hemoglobin levels are low so blood transfusion of 4 units was done .since then he was on regular dialysis which is twice in a week.

15 days back after dialysis was done 

He developed watering eye in the right eye,peri orbital swelling was developed,tenderness was present,no eryyhema 

And then gradually vision was lost in that eye with in 5 days. 

After 7 days he noticed nasal bleeding from right nostril. He also develped an ulcer like wound on his right nadolabial fold of nose.He also developed a swelling on the scalp on right side for which he was treated with fudic ointment.

Past history 


Known case of hypertension since 1 year and on medication 

Initially 1 year back he used to take 1 tablet /day now he is using 3 tablets / day

Not a known case of diabetes,TB,asthma 

Personal history 

Mixed diet

Appetite is reduced 

Normal bowel and bladder movements 

Sleep is adequate 



Chronic alcoholic

Daily consumption of alcohol around 250 mL for around 20-25 yrs and stopped 1 1/2 yr back

Daily routine 

Before 6 months 

He used to wake up at 5:00am and does some house hold works and goes to work at 8:00 am after having breakfast and returns home at 3:00 pm for lunch and goes back to work and again returns home back between 8-9pm and will have dinner and sleep



He wakes up around 7:00 am and after taking shower will have breakfast by 8:00 am and then sleeps again and wakes up at 2:00 pm for lunch takes his medications and sleeps again and wakes up again at 8 pm will have dinner and sleeps again.

Family history: 

Not significant 

General examination 

Patient was conscious ,coherent and well oriented to time and place.

Patient was moderately built and nourished 


Blood pressure : 160/100 mm Hg

Respiratory rate: 17 cycles /min

Pulse: 80 beats/min 

Temperature: 99 F

Pallor is present 

No icterus,cyanosis,clubbing,lymphadenopathy 

Local examination 


Right eye 

Mild swelling of upper lid is present 

Conjunctiva is muddy 

Cornea is clear 

Loss of vision is present

There Is no counting fingers ,perception of light 

Ocular movements are limited in all


Direct and indirect Light reflex are absent 

On palpation mild tenderness is seen 


Epistaxis from right nostril 

Mild tenderness is present in maxillary region.

Ulcer like wound is present om the right nasolabial fold of nose.


 Single follicular cyst was seen on right side in frontal region 

Which was relieving with medication

Systemic examination:

CVS- S1 S2 heard no murmurs

CNS- No focal neurological deficit

RS- Normal vesicular sounds heard

Provisional diagnosis:

 Chronic kidney disease on maintenance hemodailysis

hypertension since 1 1/2 yr

With periorbital cellulitis?



Fluid restriction <2L /day

Salt restriction<2g/day

Tab Nicardin 10mg po /Bd

Tab shelcal 500mg po/Bd

Tab Nodosm 500mg po/Bd

Tab Oroferxpo po/oD

Tab bioD3 weekly once

Inj Angmatin 600mg iv/TLD

Inj.clindamycin 600mgiv/TLD


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